CRIF Memberships
CRIF is a member of FEBIS (Federation of Business Information Service), a federation with more than 80 worldwide members providing business information and debt collection services, both nationally and internationally. As well as monitoring changes to data protection and bankruptcy rights legislation, FEBIS supervises the correct use of public information sources.
For more information, click here
CRIF is a Member of the Business Information Industry Association (BIIA). Formed in 2005 in Hong Kong, BIIA is a trade association for the information content industry. The principal objective of BIIA is to provide a platform for members to network and to work on common issues facing the industry in the region. Today BIIA has over 30 members and is affiliated with a large number of industry associations providing a significant platform for networking.
For more information, click here
CRIF is a Member of EACRA – the European Association of Credit Rating Agencies. Registered in Paris, the Association was established in November 2009. Members of the Association currently originate from 8 European countries and have very different business models for the assignment of ratings. All are deeply rooted in their respective markets, enjoy a high market share and a good reputation with local investors.
For more information, click here
CRIF is a member of ANCIC (Italian Association of Business Information and Credit Management Companies). ANCIC member companies operate in the area of collection, analysis and assessment of economic and financial data relating to Italian companies. The objective of the association is to offer its customers an accurate assessment of the solvency and financial capacity of companies with which they have business relationships. Established in 1971, ANCIC includes 30 member companies, representing over 90% of the volume of business in the reference market.
For more information, click here
CRIBIS Teleservice, the CRIF Group company specializing in the outsourced management of debt collection, is a member of UNIREC, the association that brings together credit protection service companies in Italy, which in turn is a member of FENCA, the Federation of European National Collection Associations. UNIREC brings together around 200 companies, representing over 85% of the Italian debt collection market, and in 2014 it established the UNIREC-CONSUMER FORUM together with the Italian consumer associations Adiconsum, Cittadinanzattiva, Federconsumatori, Movimento consumatori, and Movimento difesa del cittadino.
For more information, click here

CRIF is a full member of the Big Data Value Association AISBL, an independent non-profit organization under Belgian jurisdiction. BDVA is made up of 24 founding members coming from large and SME industry and research. The association will present industry-led applications to the European Commission for the implementation of the Big Data Value PPP cPPP. The main role of BDVA is to draft the Big Data Value Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) and its updates, to define and monitor cPPP metrics, and be involved in the European Commission through the cPPP partnership board.
For more information click here

CRIF is a member of WOA, a peer-to-peer community to share ideas and competencies in the Open Account Finance field. World of Open Account’s mission is to be a center of networking, inspiration and innovation for its members, accessible for all and based on digital collaboration. WOA is an initiative of Erik Timmermans, awarded thought leader in Factoring and Receivables Finance and was founded on December 2018.
For more information click here
CRIF is an associate member of Aman Union, a professional forum assembling Commercial & Non-commercial Risks Insurers & Reinsurers in Member Countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and of the Arab Investment & Export Credit Guarantee Corporation “Dhaman”. Aman Union is established in accordance with the provisions of its Charter ratified on 28th October, 2009.
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